Virtudes Prusianas

VIRTUDES PRUSIANAS (Brandenburgo-Prusia, Alemania):
Perfecta organización * Sacrificio * Imperio de la ley * Obediencia a la autoridad * Militarismo * Fiabilidad * Tolerancia religiosa * Sobriedad * Frugalidad * Pragmatismo * Puntualidad * Modestia * Diligencia

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Pero los tarugos vitoreando la nauseabunda corona inglesa... Británicos en el Amazonas

On This Day (3/17/1911): In 1911 a historic report submitted by Irish investigator Roger Casement found that over 30,000 Amazon indigenous people were enslaved,... tortured, raped and starved in just 12 years during the rubber boom. R. Casement was sent by the British government to investigate crimes committed by British-registered rubber giant, the Peruvian Amazon Company. He found, “The crimes charged against many men now in the employ of the Peruvian Amazon Company are of the most atrocious kind, including murder, violation, and constant flogging”. Agents of the company rounded up dozens of indigenous tribes in the western Amazon to collect wild rubber for the European and American markets. In a few short decades many of the tribes were completely wiped out.
Y al pobre de Casemet la corona no se lo perdonó, lo dicho, una apestoza inmundicia el imperio británico:
"Roger Casement

Roger David Casement — known as Sir Roger Casement Kt. CMG between 1911 and shortly before his execution for treason, when he was stripped of his knighthood — was an Irish nationalist, activist, patriot and poet."

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Ya mutó un bicho hambriento que devora maíz genéticamente modificado, que en teoría no podría.

Voracious Worm Evolves to Eat Biotech Corn Engineered to Kill It | Cornucopia Institute

Sodoma y Gomorra judía en pleno Sacsayhuamán: Talmud, orgías, drogas, alcohol e israelíes.

Detienen a 60 turistas que realizaban orgías con alcohol y drogas en Sacsayhuamán - Correo

Según informa la Dirección de Cultura, los extranjeros, la mayoría de ellos provenientes de Israel, habitaban las viviendas ubicadas en el sector de Mulluqocha del Parque Arqueológico antes mencionado.

Allí, el grupo organizaba escandalosas fiestas que perturbaban a las personas que transitaban la zona, sobre todo porque las celebraciones terminaban en orgías en donde no se medía ni el alcohol y ni las drogas.

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Sufre el homo sapiens una retroevolución; es más grande y menos fértil: biólogo francés

Los cambios, ocasionados por el big bang químico provocado por el mismo hombre, sostiene

Por primera vez en 200 mil años la modificación del entorno se impone a la selección natural, dice

Periódico La Jornada
Martes 11 de marzo de 2014, p. 3
París, 10 de marzo.

Más grande, más gordo, más precoz sexualmente y también menos fértil: el homo sapiens sufre una evolución inédita en 200 mil años de existencia, según el biólogo francés Jean-François Bouvet.
Por primera vez en su historia, la modificación del entorno por el hombre es el principal factor de su evolución, que se sobrepone a la selección natural. No es una evolución en el sentido de Darwin, sino más bien una retroevolución, resume Bouvet.
En su más reciente libro, Mutants, à quoi ressemblerons-nous demain? (Mutantes, ¿cómo seremos mañana?), explora la multiplicidad de las transformaciones, a veces radicales, que afectan a los seres humanos en diversos ámbitos desde hace décadas.
Destaca que la estatura media de los franceses, por ejemplo, ha aumentado en casi cinco centímetros en 30 años, mientras que la proporción de obesos se ha casi duplicado en la última década y media, alcanzando 15 por ciento de la población.
Esa es una tendencia que se observa en cualquier región del mundo, al igual que la llegada más temprana de la pubertad, sobre todo en las chicas, apunta el biólogo.
Un estudio efectuado en Estados Unidos revela que una de cada diez niñas blancas y una de cada cuatro menores de color entran en la pubertad con apenas siete años de edad.
La paradoja es que esta precocidad sexual viene acompañada de una fertilidad en caída libre, según Bouvet.
A escala planetaria, detalla, la concentración de espermatozoides en el semen se ha reducido en promedio 40 por ciento en los pasados 50 años.
El hombre parece además ser cada vez menos masculino a juzgar por la reducción del nivel de testosterona y la suavización de otros rasgos biológicos asociados a la masculinidad.
¿Cuáles son las causas de estas transformaciones tan rápidas? El biólogo menciona, además de los factores genéticos, el big bang químico creado por el hombre, que se está convirtiendo en un “homo perturbatus”.
Bouvet saca a colación una lista de productos químicos de siniestra reputación: el bisfenol A, ftalatos, DDT, atrazina y otros pesticidas, sin olvidar los antibióticos, que se sospecha son un factor de obesidad.
Estas sustancias contaminantes, que a menudo perturban el sistema hormonal, pueden tener una vida increíblemente larga: seis siglos para que la cantidad del insecticida clordecona se reduzca a la mitad, y en el caso de los piralenos (PCB) de 94 días a 2 mil 700 años.
Todas estas sustancias tienen efectos demostrados, que afectan a la descendencia a lo largo de muchas generaciones del que aún no se conocen todas las consecuencias.
Por suerte, la medicina tiene los remedios para algunos de estos males. Por ejemplo, ya se ha logrado en ratones la fabricación de espermatozoides en laboratorio a partir de células madre, y en el futuro se perfila el útero artificial, en 50 años, aventura el biólogo.
Los avances médicos ofrecen al ser humano la posibilidad de vivir más años, pero la esperanza de tener una vida sana está estancada, advierte el científico.


jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

Imbecilidad COSMica

A mí me vale si a chorrocientos cuatrillones de años luz hay una estrellita con un planetita que posiblemente, tal vez, por similitud pudiera albergar vida. Esto es muestra del típico pensamiento científicoide estúpido. Estamos parados sobre un planeta que de facto soporta vida y es maravillosos y ni quien le tome respeto, le usamos y abusamos, pero eso si, todos viendo Cosmos o hablando de Sagan, viendo para arriba y tropezando en el propio paso sobre la Tierra. Imbecilidad cósmica diría yo.

10,000 años en Beringia antes de que el humano cruzara a América del Norte

Humans Spent 10,000 Years in Beringia before Migrating to North America and Asia | News Tonight Africa

El vuelo 370 de Malasyan Airlines, todo un misterio. Perdido y sin rastro alguno.

U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Malaysia Airplane Flew On for Hours -

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Los judíos finlandeses que pelearon para Hitler: "No era por los alemanes sino por un enemigo común"

The Jews who fought for Hitler: 'We did not help the Germans. We had a common enemy' - Telegraph

The Real German Warning for Cold War II | The American Conservative

The Real German Warning for Cold War II | The American Conservative

In assessing the motives and actions of Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton compared them to Adolf Hitler’s. Almost always a mistake. After 12 years in power, Hitler was dead, having slaughtered millions and conquered Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals. And Putin? After 13 years in power, and facing a crisis in Ukraine, he directed his soldiers in the Crimea to take control of the small peninsula where Russia has berthed its Black Sea fleet since Napoleon. To the Wall Street Journal this is a “blitzkrieg.”

But as of now, this is a less bloody affair than Andrew Jackson’s acquisition of our Florida peninsula. In 1818, Gen. Jackson was shooting Indians, putting the Spanish on boats to Cuba and hanging Brits. And we Americans loved it.

Still, there are parallels between what motivates Putin, a Russian nationalist, and what motivated the Austrian corporal. Hitler’s war began in blazing resentment at what was done to Germany after Nov. 11, 1918. The Kaiser’s armies had defeated the Russian Empire, and the Italians at Caporetto, and fought the Western Allies to a stand still in France, until two million Americans turned the tide in 1918. When Berlin accepted an armistice on President Wilson’s Fourteen Points, not a single Allied soldier stood on German soil.

But, at Paris, the Allies proceeded to tear a disarmed Germany apart. The whole German Empire was confiscated. Eupen and Malmedy were carved out of Germany and given to Belgium. Alsace-Lorraine was taken by France. South Tyrol was severed from Austria and given to Italy. A new Czechoslovakia was given custody of 3.25 million Sudeten Germans. The German port of Danzig was handed over to the new Poland, which was also given an 80-mile wide strip cut out of Germany from Silesia to the sea, slicing her in two. The Germans were told they could not form an economic union with Austria, could not have an army of more than 100,000 soldiers, and could not put soldiers west of the Rhine, in their own country. Perhaps this Carthaginian peace was understandable given the Allied losses. It was also madness if the Allies wanted an enduring peace. Gen. Hans Von Seeckt predicted what would happen. When we regain our power, he said, “we will naturally take back everything we lost.” When Hitler came to power in 1933, he wrote off the lands lost to Belgium, France and Italy—he wanted no war with the West—but set out to recapture lost German lands and peoples in the East. He imposed conscription in 1935, sent his soldiers back into the Rhineland in 1936, annexed Austria in 1938, demanded and got the return of the Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia at Munich in 1938. He then sought to negotiate with the Polish colonels, who had joined in carving up Czechoslovakia, a return of Danzig, when the British issued a war guarantee to Warsaw stiffening Polish spines. Enraged by Polish intransigence, Hitler attacked. Britain and France declared war. The rest is history.
What has this to do with Putin? He, too, believes his country was humiliated and shabbily treated after the Cold War, and sees himself as protector of the ethnic Russians left behind when the Soviet Union came apart. Between 1989 and 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev had freed the captive nations of Eastern Europe, allowed the Soviet Union to dissolve into 15 nations, and had held out a hand of friendship to the Americans. What did we do? Moved NATO right onto Russia’s front porch. We brought all the liberated nations of Eastern Europe into our military alliance, along with three former Soviet republics. The War Party tried to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO, which was established to contain and, if necessary, fight Russia. Had they succeeded, we could have been at war with Russia in 2008 over Georgia and South Ossetia, and today over Crimea.
Now we hear new calls for Ukraine and Georgia to be brought into NATO. Are these people sane? Five U.S. presidents who faced far more violent actions by a far more dangerous Soviet Union—Truman, Ike, JFK, Johnson, Reagan—refused even to threaten force against Russia for anything east of the Elbe river. These presidents ruled out force during the Berlin Blockade of 1948, the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, and the smashing of Solidarity in Poland in 1981. Yet, today, we are committed to go to war for Lithuania and Estonia, Obama is sending F-16s to Latvia where half a million Russians live, and the War Party wants Sixth Fleet warships moved into the Black Sea.
If there is a Cold War II, or a U.S.-Russia war, historians of tomorrow will as surely point to the Bushes and Clintons who shoved NATO into Moscow’s face, as historians today point to the men of Paris who imposed the Versailles treaty upon a defeated Germany in 1919.

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Ucrania como el Waterloo del dólar de EUA

Así toma mucho más sentido...

Dinero, petróleo, gas, oro

Ukraine as the USDollar Waterloo

The desperation of the Anglo-American leadership, guided by the steady corrupt banker hands, has never been more acutely high, nor obvious in full view. The entire Ukraine situation is a travesty. It includes Langley agents killing police and street demonstrators from rooftops, the confirmation coming from the Estonian Embassy (translation of scripts). It includes thefts of official Ukrainian Govt funds, again sent to the Swiss hill sanctuary. It includes sanctions delivered by a US Paper Tiger, sure to cause horrific backlash. It involves the last gasp attempt to obstruct the Gazprom energy pipelines, which will inevitably corner the European market in monopoly. It involves subterfuge with the NATO card (aka Narcotics And Treachery Outlaws) with missiles placed on the Russian borders. Look for NATO members to find a back door to exit the spurious treaty. It involves playing with nitro-glycerine in the Petro-Dollar room. It involves putting tremendous risk for much more clear isolation of the United States. The more the USGovt pushes, the more the US will be isolated. Remember that Nazis steal from their enemy states, de-fraud from their allied states, and force themselves into an isolated state. In Ukraine, the United States has over-played its weak hand. Already, a secret document was leaked in London that the UKGovt would not support the US-led sanctions against Russia.
History repeats itself from the Kremlin phone calls made during the Syrian conflict just a few months ago, when the UKGovt withdrew its support and left the US isolated, looking very weak. Already, Putin has threatened to dump USTreasury Bonds. Putin aptly calls the Anglo-Americans as Mutants. Imagine the lunacy of trying to cut off the only Russian warm water military naval port in the Crimea. Just as stupid as the Trans Pacific Partnership faux pas, trying to cut off China from its Asian neighbors and partners in trade. The intelligence level of the USGovt has never been more stupid, destructive, and in full view. The lost ground for the United States is obvious and glaring in the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Caucasus region.
If the Kremlin demands Gold bullion (or even Russian Rubles) for oil payments, then the interventions to subvert the Ruble currency by the London and Wall Street houses will backfire and blow up in the bankster faces. Expect any surplus Rubles would be converted quickly to Gold bullion. If the Chinese demand that they are permitted to pay for oil shipments in Yuan currency, then the entire Petro-Dollar platform will be subjected to sledge hammers and wrecking balls. The new Petro-Yuan defacto standard will have been launched from the Shanghai outpost. If the Saudis curry favor to the Russians and Chinese by accepting non-USDollar payments for oil shipments, then the Petro-Dollar is dead and buried. The rise of the Nat Gas Coop run by Gazprom is in progress, its gas pipelines to strangle the OPEC and its bastard Petro-Dollar child. The entire USDollar foundation with the USTreasury Bond bank reserve structure is at risk is collapsing, as consequence to the desperate adventure and criminal activity conducted in Ukraine. Just like with Syria, a hidden giant energy deposit is concealed under the table. Off the Lebanese and Syrian coast, a massive off-shore energy deposit was recently discovered. The US & UK & Israeli oligarchs wish to take it all. Confusion is their game. In the western plains of Ukraine, a massive gas deposit was recently discovered. The US & European oligarchs wish to take it all. Confusion is their game.
The danger level has never been higher. No resolution to the Global Monetary War can come, which we have been seeking, without a climax. It is hardly just a financial crisis amidst a stubborn economic recovery. The nature of the currencies and their underlying sovereign bond foundation is highly toxic, which requires a strong replacement as solution, using an alternative to the USDollar alongside its reserve ledger item the USTreasury Bond. A return to the Gold Standard is coming, but the birth will have loud pangs and possibly broad damage suffered. The Global Currency Reset is better named the Return to the Gold Standard. The United States and London will not give up their control of the Weimar Printing Press easily, used for elite self-dole of extreme wealth. It has served well as the Elite credit card. They will not go quietly, and assume their place in the backwater without taking the world to the brink. No climax can occur without enormous risk and loss. The Global Paradigm Shift is in full gear, with attendant risk huge here and now. My Jackass firm belief is that the US/UK fascist team face a Waterloo event in Ukraine, the victim to be the Imperial Dollar. This bulletin will not be a comprehensive note, as the situation is too vast. The information in the Hat Trick Letter is used to interweave a story of the impending removal of the USDollar from its corrupt throne.
The Anglo Americans have fallen into a carefully designed trap by the Russians and Chinese in a clever designed sequence. More Sun Tzu tactics have been put into practice, which utilize the momentum from the enemy to be thrust back on them. Planning for final steps must have taken place during high level Putin meetings with Xi from the elite Sochi viewing box. The unfolding of events has been more carefully engineered and orchestrated than what appears. The US/UK team has been caught in a vise for months, as the rejection of the USDollar as global reserve currency is in high gear, the refusal of the USTBond a recognized trend in diversifications. The death process is slow and grueling. Much of the American Hemisphere is surrounded and controlled by Russia & China, whether the canal, the port facilities, the oil supply, the mineral deposits, even Yuan Swap facilities. Africa has largely gone under Chinese control, with Russia playing a hidden role as well.
The Persian Gulf is in transition, with the critical protectorate role shifting to China. The Qatar royals have just ordered a dismissal of USGovt ambassadors from their nation. Note that Qatar is the site of a giant USNaval base. To be sure, the Sochi Olympic Games are over, a successful event. The gloves have thus come off. The risks have reached acute levels. The US leadership seems cavalier to the risks that over half the USGovt debt is in foreign hands, over 30% of it in Russian & Chinese hands. A severe backlash cometh. The most vulnerable player in the room is the most aggressive, arrogant, vile, and obnoxious. The instability of the situation is far beyond acute. The victim will be the USDollar and its sidekick the USTreasury Bond. The USTBonds will be kicked out of the global banking system. The Third World awaits the United States, for its domestic betrayals, its financial failures, its criminal deeds, and its war aggression.
Russian President Vladimir Putin will slam the West, and very soon. The initial salvo might be a natural gas cutoff by Gazprom, the Russian giant which has fast moved into the global monopoly position. Eventually, Putin might demand gold payment for the natgas in the captured pipelines, that being the plan according to The Voice. Russia supplies one quarter of Western European gas needs. It will be the opening salvo for Gold Trade Settlement, for which the Iran workarounds to the sanctions provided the critical prototype. Combined with a formal announcement of USTreasury Bond sales in volume by Russia & China, the impact would be tremendous, even devastating. The reverberation will be soon seen as the pending demise of the defacto Petro-Dollar Standard, dictated by crude oil sales in USD terms. It will also be soon seen as the end of the USTBond as the global reserve standard in banking systems. Notice for over two years, the primary buyer of USGovt debt (and its refunded rollover) has been the US Federal Reserve via bond monetization, an absolute heresy to central banking. Hyper monetary inflation cannot stand as fixed policy. The world has responded by constructing an alternative to trade settlement. The forum has been the BRICS conferences and the G-20 Meetings of finance ministers. The US & UK will gradually be excluded from both forums, a process well along. Even traditional allies like Japan are buying gold in high volume, with suppressed lowball data so far. This is game over for the USDollar, the direct victim of Ukraine backlash. The war against Russia has been veiled, but the Jackass has exposed it.
First was the attack against Russian Gazprom in Cyprus. It was a hidden attack made to look like a bank confiscation event. Notice no bank account confiscations outside the small but important island nation. The entire Russian banking clearance system had been done through Cyprus. Also, Russia was making significant transactions to purchase Gold bullion using Cyprus as clearing house for the purchases. Second was the attack against Russian Gazprom in Syria, another complicated event. The US had used the Libyan Embassy as a weapons running facility (major diplomatic violation), after which the US lost Egypt as a transfer station on the weapons running. The false flag attack in Syria was made to look like a chemical weapons event. However, the Saudis were the guilty party. The motive by the US was to block the advance of Russian Gazprom pipelines, which are to connect to the vast Iran supply centers. Iran has far more oil & gas than Iraq. In fact, Iran is the linchpin nation, which will throw its support toward Russia. Iran will push the Nat Gas Coop certain to eclipse Saudi Arabia and the loud gaggle of OPEC members. With the Russian Gazprom, together Iran and the Nat Gas Coop will usher in the Petro-Yuan Standard and bury the Petro-Dollar, the price set by Russia, the contracts set in Shanghai. Thus the Saudis will be expendable, and their Gold in London to be totally stolen.
Move to the present. Third was the attack against Russia Gazprom in Ukraine, done by the CIA and its partner security agents from the small ally nation on the SouthEast Med corner. The old game of destabilization, popular uprising, bank thefts, and now data files stolen has been put into action. The theft of significant funds in Ukraine has only started, funds gone to Swiss banks. The full betrayal will be seen soon. The US & UK have a lunatic plan to corral the Ukraine pipelines and possibly the vast farmlands of Ukraine. The wrong-footed plan will backfire, when Putin cuts off the natgas supply to Europe, when Putin demands a new type of energy supply payment structure, and when Putin engineers certain other steps. They might execute a Nat Gas Coop double in price, much like the OPEC event in 1973. Witness the upcoming Birth of the Eurasian Trade Zone, the birth pangs heard in Ukraine. The United States and Great Britain will not be included. The Eurasian Trade Zone will span 14 time zones and will settle in gold.
The Anglo Americans have disrupted a key nation with longstanding historical and religious ties to Russia. The land of Ukraine also contains Russia's only warm water naval port in the Crimea, the site of a recent suspicious earthquake. The response will be swift and firm. The Eastern nations (led by China & Russia) have been making detailed preparations in the last couple years to launch the alternative trade system founded in Gold Settlement. Its launch lacks a potential open door trigger, possibly offered by the Ukraine situation. The Gold Standard could return in a baptism by fire. The open door trigger appears to be the Western interventions into Ukraine, since the Western banking structures will not be permitted to collapse, the ugly reality. The abuse of the central bank monetary expansion and fraudulent bond redemption has gone totally out of control, forcing an endless cycle of alternative preparations and motivated reactions, including the Iran workaround with Turkey as intermediary in gold provision. Other attacks have taken place in the last few months against the Russian Ruble by Wall Street firms. The reaction will possibly be the launch of what could eventually be understood to be a gold-backed Ruble currency, combined with natgas cutoffs to Europe and USTBond dumps. At first it could be perceived as the oil-backed Ruble, but its quick hidden conversion to Gold bullion could be revealed later on. The USDollar will be discarded as obsolete, even toxic. The USDollar debt basis might be widely accepted to be the cause of the global financial crisis, and the USFed Quantitative Easing be widely understood to be the cause of the global financial collapse.
Events inside Western Europe could unfold rapidly. Behind the scenes, much is happening. The important German-French Axis is breaking down, weakened by each passing month and bailout exercise. The motive for much of the German support of bailouts and rescue plans, as faulty as they have been, is the oversized German ownership of both French Govt debt and big French banks. They will fail, both the French sovereign debt and the big French banks. Germany must undergo a split, with a restructure from the devastating damage due to Southern European sovereign debt and related big bank losses. At the same time, Germany is on the verge of turning East to Russia. Already Russia is a large energy and mineral supplier to Germany, the heavy railway facilities in place. The core of Nordic Europe is firm. Austria and Finland are aligned with the pragmatic forces in Germany and the Netherlands. Italy is being transformed, but Spain might be lost to chaos. Turkey is also undergoing change during chaotic reform. The entire NATO Alliance has never been weaker. The military action in Ukraine is framed as a supposed NATO exercise to honor a treaty. Watch the loose end like Turkey fall off the NATO wagon, while Finland falls off the Euro currency wagon. The Jackass is eager to see the Snowden NSA files reveal key data on the illicit usage of NATO bases for narcotics distribution, the origin being Afghanistan. What a bombshell it would be if Turkey announced that their government would no longer permit heroin shipments from USMilitary aircraft on their Incirlik Airbase.
A key player in the mix is Israel. They have a Tamar floating platform, whose natgas has been pledged under contract to Russian Gazprom. The tiny nation is possibly changing its alliances out of pragmatism, seeing its drained weakened host that has duly served its purpose. The next big step is for Western Ukraine to suffer the drain of remaining resources (financial and agricultural) to the West, using all the diplomatic tools the Euro Elite can muster. The people in the East will realize that they have been betrayed once more by the Western powers. This is the critical final step. Several swing nations will consequently align with Germany, if only to make being integrated by Russia less painful. During all the transitions, China will take care of Asia in this game. The remaining overriding question is whether the US & Britain will go quietly in the night of faded empires, or else to wreck the world with nukes and viruses. The main exports out of the United States and its royal handlers have been fraudulent bonds, military hardware, genetically modified food, fast food with diabetes, pharmaceuticals, surveillance software, computer viruses, and jamming software technology. Such is the nature of the fascist transformation.
The West is in for a gigantic surprise in the sequence of events to unfold. They have placed criminal oligarchs into top government positions in Ukraine. Doing so might suit the West but not the Ukrainian people. The political brain trust in Berlin shows extremely errant strategy, still kowtowing to the USGovt and London Elite in an incomprehensible manner. The West cannot isolate Russia, which is the latest absurd bone-headed strategy. They need Russia in vital ways that will become apparent when the West faces energy supply cutoff or forced Gold payments during an open global USDollar rejection. The US will quickly feel the lost Petro-Dollar gear mechanisms. China has already aligned itself beside Russia, which makes isolation impossible. Consider the Russian commodity supply and Chinese industrial power, the new axis to the Eurasian Trade Zone.
The West cannot continue to bully Russia & China. Poking a stick in the bear's face will not work for long. Disrespecting the Chinese creditor is deep folly. The risk that coincides is for the two Asian superpowers to threaten or actually execute a dumping initiative of USTreasury Bonds, and force the United States to use its last card in a grotesque display of hugely amplified monetary expansion. The US would collapse by falling on its own sword, the event occurring in the Weimar chamber. A super high volume bond monetization machine to cover globally dumped USTBonds is a strong likelihood as climax event, with a broken derivative mechanism that is revealed during its fracture. The London banker murders (another Jackass correct forecast, made in mid-2011) indicate a motive to keep covered up the extreme $100 billion JPMorgan derivative losses at the hands of the London Whale Bruno Iksil, first sighted in May 2012. The accelerated hyper monetary inflation in response to Russian & Chinese joint retaliation would finally kill the USDollar. The echo event, born from failure, would be for the USGovt to launch the new split Scheiss Dollar. Then the USGovt could have its domestic currency finally, and then wreck it with an assured painful sequence of devaluations. The fundamentals for the US domestic only currency are truly horrible, typical of a Third World nation. Ukraine is about the last gasp of the USDollar. It has no viable defense.
Ukraine is the Waterloo event for Team Obama and the Wall Street handlers, the true controllers of the White House puppet. Ukraine will lead to wreckage to the USDollar and its USTBond partner in crime. Witness the death of the USDollar and the Birth of both the Gold Trade Standard, on the new Eurasian Trade Zone landscape. Neither Russia nor China will cooperate on the IMF super sovereign reformed currency basket at this point, not during extreme hostility and conflict. Hope and pray for cooler heads to prevail, since already many serious military attacks have occurred with advanced weapons off the Syrian coast. The Western Press prefers to frame the Ukraine situation as one more curious Orange Revolution event staged in Eastern Europe, akin to the other deceptive Arab Spring events. The old Soviet Union was trapped years ago, forced to use hyper monetary inflation in defense, as the nation imploded financially. The United States is now trapped in an ironic parallel manner, and will be exposed for its heretic inflationary response that ramps up to obscene volumes, followed by financial implosion. In fact, the events from here onward are the final hurrah for the USDollar regime and the criminal cabal.
Now has never been a better time to own a big stack of gold & silver coins & bars, stored in a secure place outside the United States, outside England, outside Switzerland, even outside Canada. The people must defend against a climax of systemic failure, led by arrogance, stupidity, desperation, and delusion, even armed aggression. It remains to be seen whether the Kremlin has some secret allies who might emerge in time, from other worlds. But that is an entire other story to be told someday maybe. We earthlings will all find out soon enough. Times are changing fast, and better to be alert than to get hurt. The Global Currency Reset lies directly ahead, complete with its doubled Gold price and doubled Silver price. The Russians & Chinese are motivated to respond to a military prod, poke, and nudge by delivering a financial response. The rejection of the USDollar is near. The rapid diversification away from the USTreasury Bond is near. The arrival of the new Global Gold Standard is imminent.
home:  Golden Jackass website              
subscribe:  Hat Trick Letter
Jim Willie CB, editor of the “HAT TRICK LETTER”
Use the above link to subscribe to the paid research reports, which include coverage of critically important factors at work during the ongoing panicky attempt to sustain an unsustainable system burdened by numerous imbalances aggravated by global village forces. The historically unprecedented ongoing collapse has been created by compromised central bankers and inept economic advisors, whose interference has irreversibly altered and damaged the world financial system, urgently pushed after the removed anchor of money to gold. Analysis features Gold, Crude Oil, USDollar, Treasury bonds, and inter-market dynamics with the US Economy and US Federal Reserve monetary policy.
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At least 30 recently on correct forecasts regarding the bailout parade, numerous nationalization deals such as for Fannie Mae and the grand Mortgage Rescue.
"Your Hat Trick Letters reports are like the food I like to eat, nutrient dense, high fibre, many rich single and combined flavours, unadulterated, very colourful,(especially your turn of phrase, unique), tidbits from all over the world. I always look forward to them too, a very satisfying feed/read, with original connections between ingredients and forward culinary thinking leading to new dishes from heretofore un-imagined recipes that are obvious from hindsight and take some time to chew and digest."
   (Nick from Australia)
"Jim Willie is a gift to our age who is the only clear voice sounding the alarm of the extreme financial crisis facing the Western nations. He has unique skills of unbiased analysis with synthesis of information from his valuable sources. Since 2007, he has made over 17 correct forecast calls, each at least a year ahead of time. If you read his work or listen to his interviews, you will see what has been happening, know what to expect, and know what to do."
   (Charles in New Mexico)
"A Paradigm change is occurring for sure. Your reports and analysis are historic documents, allowing future generations to have an accurate account of what and why things went wrong so badly. There is no other written account that strings things along on the timeline, as your writings do. I share them with a handful of incredibly influential people whose decisions are greatly impacted by having the information in the Jackass format. The system is coming apart on such a mega scale that it is difficult to wrap one's head around where all this will end. But then, the universe strives for equilibrium and all will eventually balance out."
   (The Voice, a European gold trader source)
Jim Willie CB is a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holds a PhD in Statistics. His career has stretched over 25 years. He aspires to thrive in the financial editor world, unencumbered by the limitations of economic credentials. Visit his free website to find articles from topflight authors at For personal questions about subscriptions, contact him at

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

En indonesia el mercado tradicional de venta de animales más sórdido y nefasto del universo.

Dogs, rats and monkeys flame-roasted WHOLE at Indonesian market | Mail Online

Is this the world's most gruesome food market? Dogs, rats, bats and monkeys among the animals roasted WHOLE in Indonesia

  • Dogs are flamed-roasted whole at Tomohon Traditional market in Indonesia
  • Before being killed by hanging from a tree, the dogs are kept in tiny cages
  • They are made to watch other dogs being killed, butchered and roasted
  • Elsewhere on the market, rats, cats, monkeys and bats are killed for meat
  • Dead animals are laid out on tables, with pained expressions on their faces
By John Hall


These are the shocking images of a gruesome food market where dogs are strangled by rope for food and customers can purchase whole flame-roasted animals.

The Tomohon Traditional market in North Sulawesi, Indonesia sells whole monkeys, bats, cats, dogs, pigs, rats, sloths and even giant pythons laid out on tables with painful expressions still etched on their faces.

The macabre food stalls were witnessed by Oman-based photographer and blogger, Raymond Walsh, 44, who said it was easier to witness the dead and mutilated animals than it was to see the living dogs in cages awaiting their fate.


Awaiting their fate: These dogs are kept in cramped cages for hours before they are eventually hung by a rope and flame roasted whole at a meat market in Indonesia
Awaiting their fate: These dogs are kept in cramped cages for hours before they are eventually hung by a rope and flame roasted whole at a meat market in Indonesia

Grisly: The blackened bodies of dozens of dogs sit on a table in Tomohon Traditional market in North Sulawesi
Grisly: The blackened bodies of dozens of dogs sit on a table in Tomohon Traditional market in North Sulawesi

Brutal: The dogs' flame-roasted bodies are curled up on a floor covered in blood at the Indonesian market
Brutal: The dogs' flame-roasted bodies are curled up on a floor covered in blood at the Indonesian market

Sad: Not only is this dog likely to be turned into meat, it is also chained to the floor of a cramped cage, leaving it barely able to move in the hours before its death
Sad: Not only is this dog likely to be turned into meat, it is also chained to the floor of a cramped cage, leaving it barely able to move in the hours before its death

Bloody: Most of the killing and butchery at the market takes place in view of the public. The result is harrowing
Bloody: Most of the killing and butchery at the market takes place in view of the public. The result is harrowing

Mr Walsh said: 'It was typical of a lot of local markets in the developing world - lots of fruit, vegetables and fish. The only difference was the sheer number of dead animals for sale.'

On his blog, he describes the harrowing sight of dogs in cages with their dead counterparts lying on a table nearby.

'It was easier to stomach the entrails of monkeys, rats on a stick and decapitated pigs than it was to see those live dogs awaiting their fate,' he said.

'The other animals seem foreign but I have friends who have dogs.'

The Tomohon Traditional market in North Sulawesi, Indonesia sells whole monkeys, bats, cats, dogs (pictured), pigs, rats, sloths and even giant pythons laid out on tables with painful expressions still etched on their faces
The Tomohon Traditional market in North Sulawesi, Indonesia sells whole monkeys, bats, cats, dogs (pictured), pigs, rats, sloths and even giant pythons laid out on tables with painful expressions still etched on their faces

The macabre food stalls were witnessed by Oman-based photographer and blogger, Raymond Walsh, 44
The macabre food stalls were witnessed by Oman-based photographer and blogger, Raymond Walsh, 44

Scary: These terrifying and charred remains of a bat will be used in traditional Indonesian cooking
Scary: These terrifying and charred remains of a bat will be used in traditional Indonesian cooking

Mr Walsh said Tomohon was typical of a lot of local markets in the developing world with lots of fruit, vegetables and fish. The only difference was the sheer number of dead animals for sale, including these rats
Mr Walsh said Tomohon was typical of a lot of local markets in the developing world with lots of fruit, vegetables and fish. The only difference was the sheer number of dead animals for sale, including these rats

The Oman-based professional photographer said he found the sight of dead dogs particularity harrowing
The Oman-based professional photographer said he found the sight of dead dogs particularity harrowing

Would you eat one? Roasted rats are piled up on a table inside Tomohon Traditional market in Indonesia
Would you eat one? Roasted rats are piled up on a table inside Tomohon Traditional market in Indonesia

Skewered: The rats are flame-roasted on sticks after being killed by having their heads thumped against a tree
Skewered: The rats are flame-roasted on sticks after being killed by having their heads thumped against a tree

Although the market's dead dogs may be difficult for westerners to look at, Mr Walsh points to the different cultures and attitudes towards the animals in South East Asia.

'Put simply, Westerners see dogs solely as pets. Indonesians see them as both pets and as sources of meat - it's just how we're raised,' he said.

In the photographs, many of the animals are stiff and completely black with a haunting pained expressions on their faces.

'After they are killed the animals are roasted over a fire, so the fur burns off, the skin tightens and peels back, causing that 'screaming' look,' Mr Walsh explained.

'How they are killed depends on the animal. Cats, monkeys, and sloths are shot. Bats and rats have their heads clobbered against a tree or table. Pigs are stabbed with a sharp piece of wood or metal,' he added.

Bats are just one of the animals sold as meat at the market. Mr Walsh says are killed by having their heads 'clobbered' against a tree
Bats are just one of the animals sold as meat at the market. Mr Walsh says are killed by having their heads 'clobbered' against a tree

When asked to describe the smell, Mr Walsh said: 'In a word, appalling. There's something about the air that changes when there's that much death around'
When asked to describe the smell, Mr Walsh said: 'In a word, appalling. There's something about the air that changes when there's that much death around'

Although the market's dead dogs may be difficult for westerners to look at, Mr Walsh points to the different cultures and attitudes towards the animals in South East Asia
Although the market's dead dogs may be difficult for westerners to look at, Mr Walsh points to the different cultures and attitudes towards the animals in South East Asia

A roasted monkey inside the Tomohon Traditional market in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Roasted rats inside the Tomohon Traditional market in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
In the photographs, many of the animals are stiff and completely black with a haunting pained expressions on their faces. On the left is a roasted monkey, while the animals on the right are dead rats

Painful: Dead dogs and snakes can be seen all over the market, many with gaping wounds on their burnt bodies
Painful: Dead dogs and snakes can be seen all over the market, many with gaping wounds on their burnt bodies

'Wild boars are killed as they as they are trapped. Snakes are slashed with a knife or have their heads cut off. Dogs are strangled with a rope,' Mr Walsh went on.

When asked to describe the smell, Mr Walsh said: 'In a word, appalling. There's something about the air that changes when there's that much death around.'

'It hangs heavy and it made me queasy and light-headed at the same time... It's the first time I'd ever encountered anything like it,' he added.

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Si Hitler mato a 6 millones de judios, entonces ¿porque el Jewish World Almanac (Almanaque judío mundial) muestra que entre 1938 y 1945, la población judía de hecho AUMENTO por casi medio millón? Si habían 2.4 millones de judios en los países ocupados por Alemania durante la guerra en Europa, y 3.8 millones de judios aplicaron para reparaciones del holocausto® a Alemania al finalizar la guerra (por cierto, solo los judios tienen permitido cobrar “reparaciones”), ¿En dónde están los supuestos 6 millones de judios holocausteados?, ¿Por qué es ilegal (e incluso punible) “negar” (*) el holocausto?
(*) ¿Cómo se niega algo que no sucedió?, por “negar” se refieren a que te meterán a la cárcel por atreverte a pensar por ti mismo y darte cuenta de la innegable evidencia que demuestra sin lugar a dudas que el “holocausto®” es pura falacia.
Países en los cuales ya es ilegal “negar” el holocausto®: Austria, Bélgica, Bosnia y Herzegovina, República Checa, Francia, Alemania, Hungría, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Países Bajos, Polonia, Portugal, Rumanía, España, Suiza. 
En Estados unidos aun no es ilegal, pero decir algo que no vaya con la historia oficial es considerado suicidio profesional, hay cada vez más países en el mundo que poco a poco están adoptando estas leyes draconianas.
Durante más de un siglo, el Almanaque mundial judío ha sido ampliamente considerado como la fuente más auténtica para cifras de la población judía del mundo. Académicos de todo el mundo, incluidos los editores de la Enciclopedia Británica, confían en la exactitud de esas cifras. Esto es lo que los Almanaques Mundiales de 1933 y 1948 tenían que decir sobre la población mundial de los judios.
Como podemos ver la cifra mundial de judios en 1933 es de 15,315, 359. Y también podemos apreciar que la fuente de dicha información ni siquiera es el Almanaque Mundial, sino que la fuente viene directamente del American Jewish Committee (AJC) –El Comité Judío Americano-
Cifra mundial de judios en 1948 –dos años después de la guerra- 15.753.638
En otras palabras, de acuerdo con el Almanaque Mundial, la población mundial de judíos aumentó entre 1933 y 1948 de 15.315 millones a 15.753 millones. Si el gobierno alemán bajo Adolf Hitler habría -como se alega- asesinado a seis millones de Judíos, estas pérdidas deberían haberse reflejado en las cifras de la población de judíos citadas en el Almanaque Mundial y en el AJC.
Las sospechas planteadas por los números anteriores sobre la veracidad de las acusaciones hechas contra el gobierno de Hitler son confirmados por el informe oficial de tres volúmenes por el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, publicado en 1948 en Ginebra, según el cual los 272.000 internos del campo de concentración murieron en custodia alemana, la mitad de ellos Judíos. El siguiente artículo elabora.
Hay un estudio de la cuestión judía en Europa durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y las condiciones de los campos de concentración de Alemania, que es casi el único en su honestidad y objetividad, el informe de tres volúmenes del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja sobre las actividades realizadas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Ginebra, 1948.
Este exhaustivo reporte viene de una fuente completamente neutral que ha incorporado y ampliado las conclusiones de dos trabajos previos: “Documents sur l’activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946)”, e “Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947)”. El equipo de autores, encabezados por Frédéric Siordet, explica en las primeras páginas del informe que su objetivo, en la tradición de la Cruz Roja, había sido estrictamente neutral políticamente, y aquí radica su gran valor.
La Cruz Roja Internacional (ICRC, por sus siglas en inglés) aplico con éxito la convención militar de Ginebra, 1929, con el fin de obtener acceso a los internados civiles en Europa Central y Occidental por las autoridades alemanas. Por el contrario, el ICRC ​​no pudo ganar ningún acceso a la Unión Soviética, que había fallado en ratificar la Convención. Los millones de internados civiles y militares en poder de la URSS, cuyas condiciones se sabe que fueron, por mucho, las peores, estaban completamente aislados de cualquier contacto o supervisión internacional. El informe de la Cruz Roja es de valor, ya que primero aclara las circunstancias legítimas en las que judíos fueron detenidos en los campos de concentración, es decir, como extranjeros enemigos. En la descripción de las dos categorías de internados civiles, el Informe distingue al segundo tipo como:
“Civiles deportados por motivos administrativos (en alemán, “Schutzhäftlinge”), que fueron detenidos por motivos políticos o raciales debido a que su presencia se consideraba un peligro para el Estado o las fuerzas de ocupación” (Vol. 111, p. 73).
Estas personas, continúa, “se colocaron en el mismo nivel que las personas detenidas o encarceladas en virtud del derecho común por razones de seguridad. ” (P.74). 
El informe admite que los alemanes estaban en un principio reacios a facilitar la vigilancia de la Cruz Roja de las personas detenidas por motivos relacionados con la seguridad, pero en la última parte de 1942, el ICRC obtuvo concesiones importantes de parte de Alemania. Se les permitió distribuir paquetes de alimentos a los principales campos de concentración en Alemania a partir de agosto de 1942, y “a partir de febrero de 1943 en adelante esta concesión se amplió a todos los demás campos y prisiones” (Vol. 111, p. 78). El ICRC pronto estableció contacto con los comandantes de los campos y puso en marcha un programa de ayuda alimentaria que continuó funcionando hasta los últimos meses de 1945, las cartas de agradecimiento venían llegando de los internados judíos.
El informe señala que:
“Nada menos que 9.000 paquetes eran envasados diariamente. Desde el otoño de 1943 hasta mayo de 1945, alrededor de 1.112 millones de paquetes con un peso total de 4.500 toneladas fueron enviados a los campos de concentración” (Vol. III, p. 80).
Además de la comida, enviaban prendas de vestir y suministros farmacéuticos.
“Los paquetes fueron enviados a Dachau, Buchenwald, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Ravensbrück, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, a los campos cerca de Viena y en el centro y sur Alemania. Los principales beneficiarios fueron los belgas, holandeses, franceses, griegos, italianos, noruegos, polacos y judíos desnacionalizados” (Vol. III, p. 83).
En el curso de la guerra:
“El Comité estaba en condiciones de transferir y distribuir en forma de suministros de socorro, más de veinte millones de francos suizos recaudados por organizaciones de bienestar judías de todo el mundo, en particular por el American Joint Distribution Committee de Nueva York” (Vol. I, p. 644).
Esta última organización, tuvo permitido (por el Gobierno alemán) el mantener oficinas en Berlín hasta la entrada de Estados Unidos en la guerra. El ICRC se quejó de que la obstrucción de su operación de ayuda para los internados judíos no vino de los alemanes, sino del bloqueo aliado de Europa. La mayor parte de sus compras de alimentos de socorro se hicieron en Rumanía, Hungría y Eslovaquia.
El ICRC ​​tuvo una mención especial para las condiciones liberales vigentes en Theresienstadt hasta el momento de sus últimas visitas allí en abril de 1945. Este campamento:
“Donde había alrededor de 40.000 Judíos deportados de varios países, era un gueto relativamente privilegiado ” (Vol. III, p. 75).
Según el Informe:
“Los delegados del Comité pudieron visitar el campamento de Theresienstadt (Terezin), utilizado exclusivamente para Judíos y que era gobernado por condiciones especiales. De la información recabada por la Comisión, este campamento se había iniciado como un experimento por ciertos líderes del Reich… Estos hombres querían dar a los judíos los medios para la creación de una vida en común en una ciudad bajo su propia administración y que poseyera una autonomía casi completa… dos delegados pudieron visitar el campamento el 06 de abril de 1945. Ellos confirmaron una impresión favorable en la primera visita ” (Vol. I, p. 642).
El ICRC también tuvo elogios para el régimen de Ion Antonescu de la Rumania fascista, donde el Comité pudo extender envíos especiales a 183.000 judíos rumanos hasta la época de la ocupación soviética. La ayuda luego cesó, y el ICRC se quejó amargamente de que nunca tuvo éxito “en el envío de cualquier cosa a Rusia” (Vol. II, p. 62).
La misma situación se aplica a muchos de los campos alemanes después de su “liberación” por los rusos. El ICRC ​​recibió un flujo voluminoso de correos desde Auschwitz hasta el período de la ocupación soviética, cuando muchos de los internados fueron evacuados hacia el oeste. Pero los esfuerzos de la Cruz Roja para enviar socorro a los internados todavía en Auschwitz bajo el control soviético fueron inútiles. Sin embargo, los paquetes de alimentos siguieron siendo enviados a los ex prisioneros de Auschwitz transferidos al oeste, a campos tales como Buchenwald y Oranienburg.
Uno de los aspectos más importantes del informe de la Cruz Roja es que aclara la verdadera causa de esas muertes, que sin duda se produjeron en los campos hacia el final de la guerra. Dice el informe:
“En la condición caótica de Alemania después de la invasión durante los meses finales de la guerra, los campos no recibían los suministros de alimentos en lo absoluto, y el hambre reclamo un número cada vez mayor de víctimas. Alarmados por esta situación, el Gobierno alemán informó al ICRC el 01 de febrero, 1945… En marzo de 1945, las conversaciones entre el presidente del ICRC, y el general de las SS Kaltenbrunner dieron incluso más resultados decisivos. De ahora en adelante los suministros de ayuda podrían ser distribuidas por el ICRC, y un delegado fue autorizado a permanecer en cada campamento… “(Vol. III, p. 83).
Es evidente que las autoridades alemanas se esforzaron para aliviar la grave situación en la medida de sus posibilidades. La Cruz Roja es muy explícita al afirmar que los suministros de alimentos cesaron en este momento debido a los bombardeos aliados a los transportes alemanes, y en interés de los judíos internados, (La ICRC) había protestado el 15 de marzo de 1944 en contra de “la bárbara guerra aérea de los Aliados ”  (Inter Arma Caritas , p . 78).
Para el 2 de octubre de 1944, el ICRC advirtió a la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores de Alemania del inminente colapso del sistema de transporte de Alemania, declarando que las condiciones de hambre de la gente en toda Alemania se estaban convirtiendo en algo inevitable.
Al tratar con esto, es importante hacer hincapié en que los delegados de la Cruz Roja Internacional no encontraron evidencia alguna en los campamentos de una política deliberada de exterminio de los judíos. En todas sus 1600 páginas  del informe ni siquiera menciona una cosa tal como una cámara de gas. Admite que judíos, como muchas otras nacionalidades en tiempos de guerra, sufrieron los rigores y privaciones, pero su completo silencio sobre el tema de un exterminio planificado es una amplia refutación de la leyenda de los Seis Millones.
Al igual que los representantes del Vaticano con los que trabajaban, la Cruz Roja se vio incapaz de consentir las acusaciones irresponsables de genocidio, que se habían convertido en la orden del día. Por lo que se refiere a la tasa de mortalidad real, el informe señala que la mayoría de los médicos judíos de los campos estaban siendo utilizados para combatir el tifus en el frente oriental, a fin de que no estuvieran disponibles cuando las epidemias de tifus de 1945 estallaron en los campamentos (Vol. I, p 204 ff).
Incidentemente, con frecuencia es reclamado que las ejecuciones masivas se llevaron a cabo en cámaras de gas hábilmente disfrazadas de duchas. Una vez más el Informe hace un sinsentido este alegato.
“No sólo los lavaderos, pero las instalaciones de baños, duchas y lavandería fueron inspeccionados por los delegados. A menudo tenían que tomar medidas para que los accesorios fueran menos primitivos, y para conseguir que sea reparado o ampliado ” (Vol. III, p. 594).
El volumen III del Informe de la Cruz Roja, en el Capítulo 3 (I. Población Civil Judía) se ocupa de la “ayuda otorgada a la sección judía de la población libre“, y en este capítulo deja bien en claro que no todos los judios europeos fueron colocados en campos de internamiento, sino que se quedaron, con ciertas restricciones, como parte de la población civil libre. Esto entra en conflicto directamente con la “rigurosidad” del supuesto “programa de exterminio”, y con el crédito de las falsificadas memorias de Höss, de que Eichmann estaba obsesionado con agarrar a “cada judío que caía en sus manos.”
En Eslovaquia, por ejemplo, donde el ayudante de Eichmann, Dieter Wisliceny estaba a cargo, el informe señala que:
“Una gran proporción de la minoría judía tenía permiso para permanecer en el país, y en ciertos períodos, Eslovaquia fue considerada como un relativo paraíso de refugio para Judios, especialmente para aquellos que vienen de Polonia. Los que se quedaron en Eslovaquia parecen haber estado en relativa seguridad hasta el final de agosto de 1944, cuando un levantamiento contra las fuerzas alemanas se llevó a cabo. Si bien es cierto que la ley del 15 de mayo 1942 había provocado la internación de varios miles de Judios, estas personas en campos donde las condiciones de alimentación y alojamiento eran tolerables, y donde se les permitió a los internos que realizan trabajo remunerado (*) en condiciones casi iguales a los del mercado de trabajo libre “(Vol. I, p. 646).
(*) SI, a los prisioneros se les pagaba por sus trabajos, NO eran esclavos, información adicional:
Dinero de los campos de concentración 01 y 02
No sólo un gran número de los tres millones (más o menos) de judios europeos evitaron el internamiento por completo, sino que la emigración de Judios continuó a lo largo de la guerra, por lo general a través de Hungría, Rumania y Turquía. Irónicamente, la emigración judía de la posguerra de los territorios ocupados por los alemanes también se vio facilitada por el Reich, como en el caso de los Judios polacos que habían escapado a Francia antes de su ocupación.
“Los Judios de Polonia que, mientras en Francia, habían obtenido permisos de entrada a los Estados Unidos como ciudadanos estadounidenses por las autoridades de ocupación alemanas, que acordaron además de reconocer la validez de unos tres mil pasaportes expedidos a los Judios por los consulados de los países de América del Sur ” (Vol. I, p. 645).
Como futuros ciudadanos de Estados Unidos, estos Judios fueron llevados al campo de Vittel en el sur de Francia para los extranjeros norteamericanos. La emigración de Judios europeos de Hungría, en particular, procedió durante la guerra sin obstáculos por las autoridades alemanas. “Hasta marzo de 1944,” dice el informe de la Cruz Roja: “Los judios que tuvieron el privilegio de visas para Palestina eran libres de abandonar Hungría” (Vol. I, p. 648). Incluso después de la sustitución del Gobierno de Horthy en 1944 (tras su intento de armisticio con la Unión Soviética), con un gobierno más dependiente de la autoridad alemana, la emigración de Judios siguió.
La Comisión se aseguró de los compromisos de Gran Bretaña y los Estados Unidos “para dar apoyo por todos los medios a la emigración de Judios de Hungría”, y desde el Gobierno de los EE.UU., el CICR recibió un mensaje que indicando que:
“El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos… ahora repite concretamente su seguridad de que los arreglos se harán para el cuidado de todos los Judios que en las actuales circunstancias se les permite salir ” (Vol. I, p. 649)
C. Biedermann está de acuerdo en los diecinueve casos que la cita de “Did Six Million Really Die?” recogida en el informe del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja sobre las actividades realizadas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el Inter Arma Caritas (esto incluye el material arriba mencionado), lo hizo con precisión.
Una cita de Charles Biedermann (un delegado del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja y Director del Servicio Internacional de Búsquedas de la Cruz Roja) bajo juramento en el juicio a Zündel (9 de febrero, 10, 11 y 12, 1988). Lo anterior es el capítulo 9 de “Did Six Million Really Die?
Los revisionistas estiman que la cifra de muertes, de todos los campos de concentración alemanes estaba entre 300 mil y 500 mil, de esa cantidad, alrededor de la mitad de las víctimas eran Judios. A diferencia de la cómica y desacreditada cifra de los 6 millones, esta cifra esta basaba en la sólida documentación, incluidos los informes publicados por la Cruz Roja Internacional que inspeccionaron los campamentos, los registros de defunción de Auschwitz liberados a los archivos soviéticos en 1990 (que registró sólo 69.000 muertes en Auschwitz), y otras evidencias. La principal causa de la muerte fue la epidemia de tifus y el hambre.
Después de décadas de cuidadosa investigación forense, análisis científico, y el estudio intenso, los revisionistas académicos han declarada a las “cámaras de gas”, “cámaras de vapor”, “cintas transportadoras de electrocución”, “salones de asfixia”, “Aplastadores de cráneo a pedales», «El polvo de hueso de judío utilizado para la construcción “, “Los judios molidos en moledoras de cemento para asfaltar calles”,  y otros absurdos al reino de la ciencia ficción.
Historias tan fantásticamente absurdas, como la del judío Moshe Peer, que afirma haber sido gaseado 6 VECES:
“Moshe Peer fue enviado a la cámaras de gas al menos 6 veces. Sobrevivió a cada una… Hasta el día de hoy Peer no sabe cómo sobrevivió”
THE MONTREAL GAZETTE, Agosto 5 de 1993, por Karen Seidman, Surviving the horror
¿Quién en su sano juicio, y con medio cerebro creería semejante falacia?, Más información en:,,, Winston Smith Ministry of Truth
Informe de la Cruz Roja Internacional que sumó un total de poco menos de 300.000 víctimas de los campos de concentración alemanes. La causa principal de la muerte: Tifus
Roger Dommergue
“Lo único que todos saben de Hitler es que mató a 6 millones de Judíos que nunca existieron, en cámaras de gas que nadie vio.”
Roger-Guy Dormmergue (judio), luchó en la Resistencia Anti-Nacionalsocialista durante la guerra.
(*) Entrevista de Roger G. Dommergue con Ernst Zündel, click aqui
Adicionalmente, documentos oficiales del tercer Reich, también concuerdan con los de la Cruz Roja Internacional. El Documento del Tribunal de Nuremberg N º 1523, en el cual Heinrich Himmler, jefe de los campos de concentración dio órdenes el 28 de diciembre de 1942, diciendo que la tasa de mortalidad en los campos de concentración se debe REDUCIR a toda costa:
“Los campamentos han sido golpeados con una mortal EPIDEMIA de tifus que se propaga por las pulgas y piojos en el cuerpo; Dolores estomacales, fiebre alta, adelgazamiento y la muerte puede seguir rápidamente.”
El inspector de los campos, Richard Glucks respondió a la orden de Himmler el 20 de enero de 1943:
“Se utilizaran todos los medios para reducir los índices de mortalidad”
¿Reducir las muertes al máximo posible en un campo de “exterminio”?
Click para ver la imagen mas grande
“No sé cuánto tiempo más podremos mantener que los alemanes están matando judíos en cámaras de gas. Es una mentira grotesca, como la de que los alemanes en la 1° Guerra Mundial fabricaban mantequilla con los cadáveres de sus enemigos… Se trata de una mentira que puede poner en peligro nuestra propaganda”.
Esta fue la respuesta del jefe de la propaganda británica a Winston Churchill, desaconsejándole firmar dicha acusación contra Alemania, propuesta por el P.W.E. (Political Warfare Executive), departamento inglés responsable de la “guerra psicológica”.
La idea fue recogida inicialmente según los rumores propagados por polacos y judíos en agosto de 1942. “El “Foreign Office” enseguida se dió cuenta de que se trataba de una mentira, pues los polacos y los judíos siempre estaban mintiendo para predisponer a Inglaterra contra Alemania”.
No obstante el P.W.E. decidió utilizar y ampliar estas historias como base en la guerra propagandística contra los alemanes.
–Irving, David: Pruebas contra el Holocausto. Conferencia en el Hotel Majestic de Barcelona, el 17 de Noviembre de 1989
El concepto de la Gran Mentira, que Hitler (y luego Goebbels) denuncio en su libro, cae como anillo al dedo, a esta GRAN MENTIRA del “Holocausto®”…
Todo el mundo debería leer este extracto del Capítulo X de Mein Kampf, donde el Hitler explica cómo las masas creerán una masiva mentira, simplemente por el hecho de que la gente común no puede comprender que una gran historia tan, pero tan repetida puede ser cualquier cosa, sino cierta.
“Ellos proceden en el sólido principio de que la magnitud de una mentira siempre contiene un cierto factor de credibilidad, ya que las grandes masas de los pueblos en el fondo de sus corazones tienden a corromperse en lugar de ser consciente y deliberadamente malos, y que , por lo tanto, en vista de la simplicidad primitiva de sus mentes, más fácilmente caen víctimas de una gran mentira, que de una pequeña, ya que ellos (las masas) mienten en cosas pequeñas, pero se avergonzarían de mentir en cosas demasiado grandes.
Tal falsedad, no entrará en sus cabezas y que no serán capaces de creer en la posibilidad de tal monstruoso descaro y falsedad infame en otros; sí, incluso al informarse sobre el tema, van a dudar y a vacilar, y continuarán aceptando al menos una de estas causas como cierta.
Por lo tanto, algo así como incluso la mentira más insolente siempre permanecerá y durara,  un hecho que todos los grandes virtuosos de la mentira, y clubs de mentirosos en este mundo saben muy bien y también hacen el uso más traicionero de este (principio)”
–Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Capitulo X.
Did Six Million Really Die?, Capitulo 9, por Richard Verrall (usando el seudónimo Richard E. Harwood) y publicado por  Ernst Zündel in 1974.